My video side project "Hidden Agenda" entered's "Laptop Confidential II" contest and
WON!!! The contest required that there can only be one actor playing multiple roles, the video had to be 1 minute long, and that it's shot in the "film noir" Sin City style. After planning it out my partner and I decided to go with an interrogation scene between a detective and clueless mad scientist. We had originally planned and shot a lot of footage that was quite comedic but had to cut it down majorly for the one minute time limit. We even had the black and white silhouette effect from Sin City but that had to go too. You can notice how the time limit affected us in the final version when you hear the detective's voice over call the mad scientist an "asthmatic freak." This was because we shot a scene where the scientist was laughing so hard he broke out into an asthmatic fit and needed his inhaler. (The storyboard for that scene can be seen below)Oh well what can you do?
On behalf of Hidden Agenda and myself, we would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who voted. Thank you to our friends and family for there support, to all employees of Southern Wine & Spirits across the country who voted, and to our friends and family overseas, thank you for your votes, they helped us make it to the top. We hope to have continued success with all your support.
We posted the video on numerous video sites and had a bunch of our friends post on their myspace pages, personal web pages, and whatnot. Apparently we got a good amount of hits from all over. Checkout the
video and feel free to comment or send me an
email. Also check out the Hidden Agenda Account on
YouTube to see more videos.
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